BTH 2023 — Must-See Talks and Networking Event for Mental HealthTech Founders

BHT 2023 —  Must-See Talks and Networking Events for Mental HealthTech Founders BHT2023 is a promising event bringing together the best and brightest innovators in the behavioral health and mental healthtech space. This year’s event will features diverse participants, including health plans, health systems, employers, benefits consultants, digital health companies, investors, policy and advocacy organizations, and […]

How AI can help healthcare providers detect early signs of illness—and provide more effective and cost-efficient care

How AI can help healthcare providers detect early signs of illness—and provide more effective and cost-efficient care Today, AI is accomplishing feats in healthcare that would have seemed like magic just a decade ago. Recently, it has been instrumental in disease detection, aiding healthcare providers in early intervention and expediting primary care, screening, and treatment. So, […]

Can AI Help Eliminate Barriers to Healthcare by Reducing Costs to Healthcare Providers?

Can AI Help Eliminate Barriers to Healthcare by Reducing Costs to Healthcare Providers? Traditionally, healthcare costs have been out of control. Why? An aging population, changing patient expectations, a shift in lifestyle, and the never-ending cycle of innovation, to name a few. The possible remedy is making healthcare providers more efficient and removing barriers of […]